Friday, November 19, 2010

Blog #16

Enrlich in the essay we read about what is a cowboy explains what the objectified profial of a cowboy is, and what he truly is. The author tells how most people veiw cowboys being rugged and tough and only tending to the farm, But Enrlich show how kind and caring and almost child like cowboys are. She states that "What is required of him is an odd mixture of physical vigor and maternalism", the true meaning of a tough cowboy. She looks almost down to city folk telling how wrong they are of how they picture a cowboy and how it may be true but the inside of a cowboy is different too.

Blog #17

I agree with what Mr. Albom says in the "Saga of O.j. Still Alters our Lives, "the O.J. trial is one of the most important events in the past two decades.
This started of most on the on air court cases and things like judge Judy. Of all the things the O.J. Simpson trial effected the most is media. Agreeing with what Mr. Albom " Film crews now regularly race to scenes of any disaster and camp out." THey tend to now over react with the news making every little thing huge. My example Was the murder case of a man named Scott Peterson who killed his wife. Who is Mr. Peterson?? Who ever he his he got famous because people in the U.S eat this stuff up.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


In "What Secrets Tell" by Luc Sante has the KGB, USSR, Internet, and American culture examples of secrets, and thing that hold secrets.

The USSR and KGB held and had. Example there spies space technology and ato,ic weapons ect.... They had documents that solved past mysteries and seperated the real from imaginary.

The internet prevents secrets for staying "quiet". Someone can post an image a note whatever ur secret may be and itt'll be around the world in seconds. Anything you put on the internet about you or another can be traced back to you and them.

American Culture has this feeling to share secrets in a varriety of ways. We teel these secrets to "audiences". In "What Secret Tells " Sante says secretsare told on televison trials and odd game shows like Jarry Springer.

Secrets can be told and kept but someone always knows about it.


School should teach ethics and morals, it would help are youthbe more respectful to authority and to themselves. School should teach students how to introduce correctly not with the slap of the hands and say whats up bro. It should furn grip and shake. School s should teach you about how to act in a interview. Kids today have no moral values they don't think before they act thats why they get into so much trouble. Kids need to have a good moral compess to tell them right from wrong. These classes should be manditory and only need to be 30 minutes long if you did that every day or society would be way better than it is now. crime would go do more educated individuals etc.... The world needs these classes to better or youth.


        Ever sense the creation of the movie one of Americans favorite activities has been going out to catch good flick. People usually go to see a movie based on the mood or situation they are in at the time. I believe that there is a type of movie to fit almost any situation that someone could possibly be in. Over the past ten years their have been three genres of movies that have stuck out in my mind as the most played in theaters: comedy, romance and horror films.    
         In my opinion the most commonly played genre of movie in theaters is comedy films.   I think comedy movies have been played so commonly because they are a lot of fun no matter what your mood may be.   You could go see a comedy with a group of friends, family or even on a date.   Examples of some very popular comedies in the past ten years are Wedding Crashers, Meet the Fockers and the American Pie trilogy.   All these films have all the traits that make them the best. They have a hilarious story line with actors that greatly fit their character. Comedies are the best type of film to cheer up someone who is down.
         I believe that the second most played movie genre is the romance film. These movies tell great stories incorporated with a romantic tale. Romance films have been most typically thought of as the best date movies, although romantic films are good movies for other occasions also. Two of the highest ranked romance films in the past decade are The Notebook and 10 Things I Hate About You. Though not all movies fit into a single classification, take 10 Things I Hate About You for example. It is both a romance and comedy film, which is probably one of the many reasons why it was so popular. The romance genre is usually preferred by female audiences but can easily be enjoyed by all.

      Last Horror movies, they seems to be driven by yuppies and teens today. Almost every horror movie out there has a young girl running away from something or someone that is trying to kill her. It’s always the same, a group of young beautiful girls and handsome guys getting together for some adventure expecting to have a good time, instead they end up being mutilated one by one until there are just a couple left. Most watch these movies during halloween making them not as popular. 

Blog #12

I don't know what were suppose to do it for. I'm guessing its for pink flamingo sooo here goes nothing.

  • In my pink flamingo essay I analyzed but it was not uniform. It was like a Buck shot i had to may examples not enough concreate details.
  • My audience would have a good understanding of what i was trying to get across but I don't think anyone would want to pick it up and read it.
  • My subject is presented well but it drops off as you read along.
  • I have a very clear thesis and all my paragraphs support it but not as good as it could have.
  • My writing style was clear good Sentence structure and my mechanics were well used.
  • I didn't use any personal thing in this essay, like opinions etc...
  • I got mu point across but it was indeed sloppy.

Blog #11

  • Culminating Writers Profile
    1. My expectations in this class has changed dramaticly. I have takken more pride in my essays, and hope to be a better writer by the end of the year.
    2. My strengths as a writer are making things up, and writing commentary.
    3. Where my writing is weak is in the concrete detail sentences, and concluding paragraph.The things I have done to strengthen my weaknesses is to read your hand out and follow them as I write my papers.
  • Evaluating Your Writing Process
    1. If I had time for another draft I would just look for grammatical errors, because i don't want to blab on to much in my essay.
    2. The easiest element of writing I had was Analyzing syntax, my word choice, and sentence structure was better than i had ever done.
    3. My biggest problem I had in revising this essay was thinking of clear examples.
  • Evaluating Your Success
    1. My success in this essay was my grasp on Anylizing syntax, and sentace structure. I was able to describe, narrate, and illistrate my idea of a habitat with clear word choice, and concrete details. I think the audiance will walk away enlightened on a view of a habitat. 
  • Being Honest with Myself
    1. I didn't have any intimidation comming into this essay because I tried my hardest and if it wasn't good enogh i could rewrite it again.
    2. When we looked at all the types of sentences in class, every time i do an essay now i look at them to make sure they're correct sentences.
    3. Honastly the student essays didn't help me. I went on google and looked up defintion essays to see how they were structured.
    4. In the peer edit of my essay, it gave me new examples of habitat.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog #10

"Nobodiness", it was used in Martin Luther King Jrs. "letter from Birmingham jail", about being black was to have a sense of being a "nobody". This feeling effects more people than just that. People subject to; bullieing and objectification, people treat them like they're a "nobody, an object, thing. the bullies act as if the person has no feelings and degrades them until the person feels "Nobodiness".

People that would also mabey feel like they don't exsist is a new kid at a school. He or she wouldn't know anyone nore would the other students know them because "nobody" knows the new person.Some people that have there identity stolen become a nobody, because no one knows who the real person is. "Nobodiness" is just a name though its up to you to make sure u don't become one in the end.

Blog #9

Albom and Morrie from the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" helped me realized that life isn't just a thing it has a perpose and you as a perpouse have a "moral job" to take on. Give what you can to people, and share compasion and love with others. Giving somthing doesnt have to necessarily be an object, but Knowlage experiance oppinions, its just a matter of how you take it in. Reading this book has made me speak out more on what I believe and how it may benifite other people. Also not being afraid to give my advise to someone on what to do. My dad says "A teacher knows not of their influence".

Blog #8

Many people will agree that joy is important to their life and to human existence; some will admit that they have experienced moments of great joy. Joy, however, is not a concept that frequently appears in day-to-day discourse. Very often happiness and pleasure are the concepts used in everyday language, even when people describe joyful experiences. In short, the difference between joy and happiness or pleasure is not clear cut in everyday usage.

This situation is reflected in the definition of joy given in The New Oxford Dictionary. Among other definitions are found: 1. Vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction; the feeling or state of being highly pleased or delighted; 2. Pleasurable state or condition; a state of happiness or felicity.
Joy is somthing that comes to us with a mixture of emotions both pleasurable and frighting, but joy is joy and its an emotion we all share.

blog #7

In the book "The Kite Runner" the author has an internal argument about not tell anyone what he say happen to Hissan after Hissan went to go get Amir the kite he had beatin. this is used to describe the internal argument if Amir should tell people about what he witnessed. I felt disapointed in Amirs' desicion on not to tell anyone and how he let that make Hissan and his father move due to how it would have caused a problem amongst the two. To me it wasn't right of Amir to fram Hissan for stealing his watch t force them to leave, He should have from the beginning stood up against the people in the ally and told His father and Hissans father about what had tookin place.

Blog #6

N!&&#* on national telivision, It is a word that can be affencive but what happen to freedom of speech. There are plenty more words that should and should be "bleeped out", if it's used in the wrong way. If you use it from a historical stand point it's ok because Negro was the name for African Amaricans in the Civil War and long before that. Yet if u use it in these music videos its perfectly ok with talking about how this nigga got shot this nigga is lame, no not cool. It all depends on the concesses of how it is used.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blog #5

Is there such a thing as nonconformity?

Yes, the people who don't pay taxes aren't conforming to the federal IRS laws. Weather intentional or simple cannot afford to it is manditory.
Also speeding, people who drive beyond the speed limit. They may be late for work or simply feel they are above the law. It is still illegal to exceed the speed limit.
Last example of nonconformity I have is, doing homework. weather you choose not to do it or simply forget there are consequences for not turning in.

Blog #4

  • A jet engine and a combustion engine, on planes. 
A jet engine sucks oxygen, heats it and forces it out the tail pipe of the engine creating thrust to sum it up. A combustion engine sucks air in to the carborater putting oxygen into the cylinders to help spark the gases in the engine to make the the piston push the crank to turn the prop. The prop cuts through the and pulls the plane through the sky. Both jet and combustion engines relying on air to make them work. A jet engine has fans whish create the suction that pulls in the air and instead of pistons theres chambers that compress air.
Diffrent parts same concept.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blog #3

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner takes place in both Afghanistan and California. It's told from the perspective of Amir, first as a little boy and later on as a man. Amir grows up a privileged boy in Afghanistan. His best friend is Hassan, the son of the family servant. Amir is Pashtun, Hassan is Hazara. Amir is Sunni, Hassan is Shi'a. Their differences don't change the fact that these boys were breastfed together, learned to crawl together and are basically inseparable. Then everything changes. Amir witnesses a horror done to Hassan and cannot forgive himself for not stepping in to help him and to do what is right. In 1975 Afghanistan is in turmoil and Amir, then 12 years old, and his father move to San Francisco. Amir grows up feeling guilt and self-hatred over the issue with Hassan and the subsequent results. Then one day, twenty five years after Amir has left Afghanistan, he receives a phone call summoning him back to the place he had hoped to forget. The caller tells Amir "there is a way to be good again."

The Kite Runner has for it's hero a very flawed human being.....but that's what makes him so believable. Amir the boy does a very cowardly, dastardly deed but Amir the man stands up to the Taliban and even more importantly, he stands up for what is right. This book has forgiveness, redemption and courage for it's main themes. We see how strong the ties of friendship and loyalty can become through the eyes of Amir and a broken little Afghan boy. The setting in Kabul and the culture of the Afghan people make for an interesting backdrop to an unforgettable novel.

Blog #2

  • Rape of Nanking
  • Calculated risk
  • The rape of Nanking, the little village in Manchuria was attacked by the Japanese to expand there empire to get raw materials. They killed many Chinese?Manchurian people in this process. This was a key point to the lead up to WWII with Japan.
 World peace, After world war one the U.N was created to keep the world from having another World war. The U.N. lets this incident go unpunished for so long who's to say this won't happen again.

  •  "If we should have to fight, we should be prepared to so so from the neck up instead of from the neck down.”: Jimmy Doolittle.
 Fighting someone isn't going to solve anything but if i use my head and just be smarter than them than I shall be victorious over them. Also this influences politics today how we dont solve diputes between countries agressivly, at least as best as we can. For instance North Korea and the 2 girls taking hostage. Bill clinton used his head to negotiate a deal to win his "battle"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Intro. to Jim Rollison

         Jim Rollison is the name, I was born May 26, 1995. I am never I still. I'm a very active active person, from running and playing golf to school and work.My favorite things to do is fly, and work on planes. I guess you could call me a motorhead.