Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog #11

  • Culminating Writers Profile
    1. My expectations in this class has changed dramaticly. I have takken more pride in my essays, and hope to be a better writer by the end of the year.
    2. My strengths as a writer are making things up, and writing commentary.
    3. Where my writing is weak is in the concrete detail sentences, and concluding paragraph.The things I have done to strengthen my weaknesses is to read your hand out and follow them as I write my papers.
  • Evaluating Your Writing Process
    1. If I had time for another draft I would just look for grammatical errors, because i don't want to blab on to much in my essay.
    2. The easiest element of writing I had was Analyzing syntax, my word choice, and sentence structure was better than i had ever done.
    3. My biggest problem I had in revising this essay was thinking of clear examples.
  • Evaluating Your Success
    1. My success in this essay was my grasp on Anylizing syntax, and sentace structure. I was able to describe, narrate, and illistrate my idea of a habitat with clear word choice, and concrete details. I think the audiance will walk away enlightened on a view of a habitat. 
  • Being Honest with Myself
    1. I didn't have any intimidation comming into this essay because I tried my hardest and if it wasn't good enogh i could rewrite it again.
    2. When we looked at all the types of sentences in class, every time i do an essay now i look at them to make sure they're correct sentences.
    3. Honastly the student essays didn't help me. I went on google and looked up defintion essays to see how they were structured.
    4. In the peer edit of my essay, it gave me new examples of habitat.

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