Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog #8

Many people will agree that joy is important to their life and to human existence; some will admit that they have experienced moments of great joy. Joy, however, is not a concept that frequently appears in day-to-day discourse. Very often happiness and pleasure are the concepts used in everyday language, even when people describe joyful experiences. In short, the difference between joy and happiness or pleasure is not clear cut in everyday usage.

This situation is reflected in the definition of joy given in The New Oxford Dictionary. Among other definitions are found: 1. Vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction; the feeling or state of being highly pleased or delighted; 2. Pleasurable state or condition; a state of happiness or felicity.
Joy is somthing that comes to us with a mixture of emotions both pleasurable and frighting, but joy is joy and its an emotion we all share.

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